I Quit for Life - Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes

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I Quit for Life contributes 5% of its annual income to Cancer Council Australia to actively support them to minimise the threat of cancer to all Australians.

How Much Does it Cost?

Enjoy a longer and healthier life.

How much is the investment in yourself to quit cigarettes permanently?

We are 100% committed to your success as a non smoker.

First, how much does it cost you to smoke?

The average smoker smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day. At an average cost of $35 per pack, that is $245 per week which is $1,061 per month.

That's $12,740 a year after tax you are spending on cigarettes. This means you need to earn approx $18,000 a year to pay for your habit.

So if you quit cigarettes in 60 minutes, you will have an extra $11,945 to spend in the first year alone. Just imagine what you will do with all that extra money every single year.

If you smoke more than a pack a day, you will save even more. Smokers also spend billions of dollars a year in medical-related costs.

The Quit Cigarettes program is only $895 - and most people quit with one 60 minute session, or we provide as much back up as needed FREE - no additional charge. Our guaranteed commitment is to help you become a non smoker for life. This is even better than a money back guarantee because you want to quit cigarettes, not get your money back.

Now, how much is a year of your life worth?

The average smoker's life is 14 years shorter than the life of a non-smoker. So by quitting you are literally adding 14 years onto your life. How much is that worth to you?

If you make $50,000 a year, then a year must be worth at least $50,000 - but we all know you cannot really put a price on a year of life. So why don't you take the money you would have burned up in smoke on cigarettes and invest it in becoming a non-smoker for life?

Did you know that the average smoker has smoked more than 225,000 cigarettes by the time they are 40? Hard to believe but absolutely true.

Call 0437 774 250 Today or Contact Us Now!

Make your reservation to become a non-smoker for life.

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I Quit 4 Life - Quit cigarettes in 60 Minutes